Main program window

After starting the program, the QV main window will appear and the globe will be zoomed from the universe.

A world map will be plotted over the surface of the earth and all stars will be visualized at their exact location above the earth. If you enable the function “open last map view on start”, QV will start lateron in a different way and plot the last layout instead of the initial globe.

With the Topomap Germany, 1 : 25.000 scale, the QV main window may look like this:

Main program window
The main window features all important elements required for operating QV:




At the buttom of the map window, you will find the map status field which summarizes important information:

Left column

  1. The position of the map cursor including altitude
  2. The actual position of the mouse pointer including altitude

Central column

  1. Name of the used map
  2. Distance, course, altitude difference and corresponding slope in % between map cursor and mouse pointer

Right column:

Name of the used DEM (digital elevation model) and the acutual map datum

Remark: Please note that all coordinates are specified in the units according to the unit settings.

If you have enabled the display of the North arrow in the View menu, you will find a compass rose plotted in the upper left corner of the map window. In this case you will also find all details on the camera characteristics like position, altitude, speed, course, pitch and roll.

Coordinate and distance units can be changed at any time using the icon, e.g. to miles and UTM, etc. Refer to chapter Settings for more details.