Thank you for your interest in “QuoVadis” (QV). QV stands for “Quo Vadis”, i.e. the latin expression for “Where do you go?”
We have done our best to provide you with a software which makes orientation, GPS navigation and route planning a lot easier! You will soon discover the extraordinary features and the high degree of functionality this software can provide, and we are pretty confident that QV will soon become an irreplacable tool for your GPS, travel and outdoor adventures. Still, the fundamental question “where do you go?” is left to be answered by you but we provide the perfect tool to solve your navigational challenges.
Please note that you should be familiar with basic priciples of cartography and navigation when using GPS technologies and corresponding PC software. Without such knowledge, the use of GPS and navigation software might be dangerous, especially in remote areas. QuoVadis Software GmbH cannot be made responsible for consequences which may result from a wrong application of this software.
GPS devices and PC software are certainly a great help in navigation. They can save time and effort when planning a trip and make navigation much more comfortable. However, you should never forget that technology can fail. So we strongly recommend to acquire basic knowledge in finding your way using a conventional map and a magnetic compass. Your GPS unit or PC may fail and even QuoVadis may produce errors despite the fact that we have taken the greatest care when programming this software.
Please interpret the results you get from QuoVadis and your GPS unit with a healthy dose of skepticism. Please also bear in mind that the coordinates that QV gives you, always refer to a specific coordinate system, map projection and map datum and can never be more accurate than the map you are using. Also note that even sophisticated GPS receivers can produce inaccurate or wrong positions under poor reception conditions.
Basically, QuoVadis is a windows-software for navigation and trip-planning with a GPS using digital maps.
QV will run on any MS Windows® XP (with SP3)/Vista/Win7/Win8 PC or laptop with a Direct X - compatible graphic adapter with min. 256 MB video RAM. Due to the 3D capabilities of QuoVadis, we strongly recommend an up-to-date PC with a powerful 3D graphic adapter.
In Version 6, a couple of highly sophisticated features have been implemented. Here is a feature list for the QV Standard version:
Additionally the poweruser version support the following features: