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Product line

In principle QuoVadis is starting now as freeware with a limited functionality. This freeware can be downloaded from our website and used without activation. When you install QuoVadis for the first time, you can test the demo-modus with full functions of the poweruser-version for 25 days without entering a serial number. After the demo-period you can continue using the freeware without a serial number but with limited range of functions.

Other extension modules may be purchased:

  • Extension standard - this corresponds to the previous version TTQV-Standard
  • Extension poweruser - this corresponds to the previous version TTQV-Poweruser

The versions Basic, Light and Professional are not offered any more.

All versions of QuoVadis can be installed with the same setup, which can be downloaded here. If you are installing QuoVadis for the first time, you can test the range of functions of the PowerUser-version without entering a serial number for 25 days. After the demo-period you can continue using the freeware without a serial number but with limited range of functions.

Here you will find a detailed list of the functions:

function / feature freeware standard poweruser
QV-vector maps Navteq 2012, 2013 + + +
QV-vektor maps Navteq 2009 + + +
QV-raster maps Typ QBR + + +
QV-raster maps Typ QV5DB, PNY - + +
online maps Google, Yahoo, Bing, OSM (Internet-connection necessary) + + +
Garmin-IMG/TDB (not NT) - + +
raster maps type compass, Magic-Maps, Dav - + +
raster maps type Ecw, Tif, Jpg, Bmp, Png - + +
marine maps type Bsb, NV - + +
marine maps Typ S57 - - +
online maps type Ecwp, Wms (Internet-connection necessary) - - +
GIS-Karten Shp, Dxf - - +
several map screens - + +
further maps loading as overlay - + +
calibration - + +
map sections printing true to scale + + +
export as bitmap file - + +
export as tiled tiff - - +
export to mobile device - + +
elevation models
real terrain display with 3D - + +
height profiles - + +
number of databases for own data 3 unlimited unlimited
Multiuser with VServer - - +
worldwide location database - + +
projects, projectmanager - + +
easy search of names and addresses + + +
complex search, search in regions - + +
individual additional columns - + +
filtering of list - + +
management of photos and documents - + +
geotagging of photos - + +
adapting chart data and grids - + +
routing, Navi
creation of road maps from addresses and existing points + + +
Display GPS position and save tracklogs - + +
comfortable drawing and editing from road routes in the map - + +
navigation with voice announcement - + +
route optimization (only with Navteq 2012, 2013) - - +
Forward of own position to a server or gpsgate - - +
GPS-data, wps, routes, tracks, trainings, geocaches
comfortable creation and editing in the map - + +
sending to GPS + + +
downloading from GPS + + +
importing from various data versions - + +
exporting in various data versions only to GPX + +
calculating of statistics - + +
XY-diagram - + +
track- und route- prozessor - + +
advanced editing in QV-Xplorer - + +
further functions
simulation - + +
astronomie - + +
creating and editing of drawings - + +
multi-tracking - - +
roadbook editor - - +
automatic note, when new updates are available (internet connection necessary) can not be switched off can be switched off can be switched off

Please note, that changes of the range of functions are possible anytime and without notice, also from technical or licensing reasons.

en/05_intro/c_productline.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/22 10:21 (external edit)