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QV6 for Newcomers

After the Installation of QuoVadis 7 (QV7) you can start the program with - icon in the Windows start menue or double-click the program icon on your desktop. You can stop the dialogue, which obtains the serial number, with a click on Abbruch, to work in a demo mode for 25 days(see chapter Aktivierung).


Global Positioning System (GPS)
Firstly the system was developed for military purposes, by which satellites transported your position and time via radio signals and the GPS unit in the function of a receiver analyses these signals to locate your position and speed. Now the system becomes an integral part in the civil use for navigation.
Geographic coordinates
A geographic coordinates describes a point and involves two values, which can be mentioned in a geographical grid for example in degree° minutes' seconds". For clear coordinates you have to indicate the reference frame. Geodetic coordinates indicates the zone and a numerical value (y coordinate and z coordinate). The UTM is a metric specification.
Map datum coordinate system
The map datum coordinate system is a model for the earth. This is no ball, but is illustrated easily as a ellipsoid (three-dimensional ellipse). But the form of the earth is not regularly. Such an ellipsoid "fits" only for special areas of the earth and therefore we have different ellipsoids with various reference points. Another valid and uniform map datum coordinate system is the WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984).
A vectormap saves the data not as individual pixels, but as numeric values. So the map is calculated und illustrated by the data at the moment when the program is starting. The range of data is reduced compared to a raster map, because not every individual pixel has to be saved.
Raster map
In comparison to a vector map a raster map is only a picture or a photo, which contains information for every individual pixel. Parameters as the resolution and color depth determines the file size. At the same time, however, it should be noted that under certain circumstances depending on the method of compression informationen will get lost(lossy coded format - but smaller file).
Map scale
The map scale describes the relation between map distance and the distance in nature and is described for example as 1:50 000 (the value 50 000 indicates the scale number). This example illustrates that 1cm at the map are 50 000cm (or 0,5km) in the nature. Large and small scale of map are often confused, beacause it depends not on the "size" of the scale number, but on the number of details, which are depicted on the map. A large scale of map (1:25 000) illustrates more details than for example a world map with a small scale of 1:1 000 000.
Map grids
We have two map grids, which are important for the use of GPS - geographical grid of longitude and latitude(180 longitude, 360 latitude) and geodetic grids. The distance between the longitudes are not always the same on geographical grids, so that a base grid becomes a trapezoidal form closer to the poles. A geodetic grid always shows the square form. An example of a geodetic grid is UTM (Universal-Transverse-Mercator-Grid).
If you find no suited map in QV, then for example you can scan and calibrate a paper-map. For the calibration you will need points, whose coordinates are known from enough other points, a grid and a reference system. After the calibration is finished, the map can be used, because a click on the map can now illustrate these point on the right coordinate. This process is not trivial - but you will find help in the forum. Also scanning is not optimal with a small DIN A4 scanner(therefore it is easier under certain circumstances to order a scanservice).
Routing is the automatical defining of a route. For the definition the start location and destination (possibly stop overs) are selected. Based on this information the way will calculated automatically, although different criteria exist, which influences the calculation (for example shortest way, special type of vehicel, ...).
A route is a chain of waypoints. With that a route - for instance a hike - can created manually with only a few points on a digital map in QV. When you transfer these points in the gps unit, the route can be recovered from point to point.
A track is a continuous trace of points(similar to the trace of bread pieces in a well known fairy tale), which shows the previous way. The track can be displayed on a digital map(and can be edited) or used for navigation.
A waypoint illustrates a coordinate of a point in reality. Therefore a reference point is defined e.g. for a special location. You can represent sights, campsites, parking lot or anything else by a waypoint, to navigate to this point by GPS or to find this point on a map.

What are the functions of QuoVadis

What can you implement with QuoVadis 7((Depending on the version - freeware or commercial license - differs the range of functions) Surely you will “discover” many other functions in the course of time, which are not mentioned here in the short list. To give a short overview, we have listed some points here to show, what you can expect:

  • Display of digital maps
  • Organisation of your maps and GPS-data
  • Geocaching and organisation of your training data
  • Import and export of GPS data
  • Data exchange with your GPS-unit
  • Preparation and postprocessing of your trips(tour planning)
  • Routing functions
  • Connection to google earth

To get initial results quickly, please read this chapter.

Program surface

Main window and toolbar

While the program is starting the start-up screen opens with the [QV7]-Logo and a progress bar, which shows the individual steps of the starting procedure. After completing the starting process the main window opens - your workspace in [QV] with opened QV-XPlorer. If you have not activated [QV7] already, you will see a dialog, which queries the serial number. This can be stopped by a click on Interruption, to work in the demo mode for 25 days (look at chapter activation).

The symbol bars are named in [QV] as toolbars, because they contains the “tools” for various tasks of your work with the program.


The central management of data is the QV-Xplorer. The data are organised in databases and tables(if you are not familar with the notions - both are container, in which the data are saved, similar to a data system with directories and data). A database can contain various tables. In a table the data are grouped, that means a routing table contains routes and a waypoint table contains various waypoints. More explanations you will find at the examples Beispielen further below.

The window of QV-Xplorer is separated in a tree view, a listview, a toolbar and a status bar.

The organisation of your data is very flexible. You can e.g. create a database of a holiday trip and then manually create tables of your routes, tracks, waypoints and maps or you choose the automatic way of implementing the QV standard tables directly at the moment when you create the data base. If you e.g. records training runs or test drives with your GPS, you can create e.g. databases for the relevant year or for the relevant training activity and save and organise the recorded routes in this data bases.

The QV-Xplorer is not only useful for the creation of new data. You can also reorganise your data, e.g. copying, cutting, pasting and deleting. If you are creating another new database, you could e.g. the above created table move or copy into the new database. For more information on this topic, refer to the following chapter data management QV-Xplorer offers an univeral interface to the outside:

  • You can exchange data - waypoints, routes, tracks, maps (if supported by the unit and QV) - with your GPS unit
  • You can import importieren and export exportieren data, which contains e.g. tracks and waypoints in one by QV supported formats Formate.
  • You can import maps or height data (we are also supporting many formats in this case )



When your pc is online, you can start directly with Online-Karten, that means you don´t have to import or unlock the map. If one of the provider changes the license conditions, which are relating to the use of the maps, changes in QV are reserved.

Therefore please move QV-Xplorer and navigate through the tree view in the list to QV-Data, then over database online maps to table online maps. In the list view you can choose one of the entries and display the maps (if the provider needs a map registration, you have to register before).

Local maps and height models

You can purchase more maps in [QVSHOP ] and install locally (look at chapter Maps). For usage of 3D-presentation of maps are Height models necessary.

Multimap, Overlays and Automap

In QuoVadis you can, in contrast to other programs, which have only one map window, display more map windows parallel to each other. This function is described as Multimap. Thereby you can have opened parallel e.g. different maps or maps for the same area in a different scale, which enables flexible working, without changing permanently and time consuming between the individual maps by opening and closing them.

If you have two maps (e.g. a vector map and a topographical map) of one area and you like to use both for one task at the same time, then you can open this e.g. by the multimap function. But you have also a more elegant opportunity. Open the topographical map as usually in a map window and add the vector map as Overlay. That means that both maps are displayed in the same window and the vector map overlays as a semi-transparent layer above the topographical map, so you can use both maps at the same time in one map window.

An important feature, which can facilitate your work with several maps, is the AutoMAP function. At the configuration of automap you can determine, which map tables should be closed during your search - ie. as some kind of filter.

Practical work with QuoVadis 6 - some examples

Searching location and displaying in a map

One [ODB](geographical locations database) for [QV7] you can download from Downloadpage of the shop.

To look for a name of a location, please click on , the window “searching” is opening. Choose Settings No in the tab and check ODB (Screenshot), enter a location in the tab All data and click Searching.
tab Settingstab All Dataresult window
The points found are showed in the result window. Choose one and click on . Then the Assistent opens. Depending on the installed maps and the actual AutoMAP- setting you are offered suitable maps. Choose one and click on Completing.

The Mapwindow opens and the map cursor is posoitioned at the searched location on the map.

Import of tracks and waypoints from the internet

Details of this chapter are not yet available. These will be supplemented soon. We kindly ask you for some patience.

Editing of routes, tracks and waypoints

Details of this chapter are not yet available. These will be supplemented soon. We kindly ask you for some patience.

Data transfer with the GPS-unit

Details of this chapter are not yet available. These will be supplemented soon. We kindly ask you for some patience.

en/15_quickstart/zz_neueinsteiger.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/20 13:30 (external edit)