In QuoVadis 6 many operations can be executed by a simple drag & drop:
Opening maps: Simply drag & drop a map to be opened from the X-Plorer to the free area of the main window.
Show marking: Simply drag & drop a marking from the X-Plorer to the map window or the free area of the main window.
Map overlay: Simply drag & drop a vector map to a map window with an opened raster map.
Map import: Simply drag & drop a map file from the Windows Explorer to a map table of the QV X-Plorer and it will automatically beimported to QV. While uncalibrated maps have to be imported separately, calibrated maps can be imported in one batch.
Links to an ECWP map server can also be dragged & dropped from the browser to a map table of the QV X-Plorer.
Copy and move operations in the X-Plorer can also be executed by a simple drag & drop procedure.
The clipboard functions like the WINDOWS-standard: for copying (Strg + C) and for pasting (Strg + V).
en/20_mainwindow/d_dragdrop.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/29 22:58 (external edit)