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Drag and drop

In QuoVadis 6 many operations can be executed by a simple drag & drop:

  • Opening maps: Simply drag & drop a map to be opened from the X-Plorer to the free area of the main window.
  • Show marking: Simply drag & drop a marking from the X-Plorer to the map window or the free area of the main window.
  • Map overlay: Simply drag & drop a vector map to a map window with an opened raster map.
  • Map import: Simply drag & drop a map file from the Windows Explorer to a map table of the QV X-Plorer and it will  automatically beimported to QV. While uncalibrated maps have to be imported separately, calibrated maps can be imported in one batch.
  • Links to an ECWP map server can also be dragged & dropped from the browser to a map table of the QV X-Plorer. 
  • Copy and move operations in the X-Plorer can also be executed by a simple drag & drop procedure.


The clipboard functions like the WINDOWS-standard: for copying (Strg + C) and for pasting (Strg + V).

en/20_mainwindow/d_dragdrop.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/29 22:58 (external edit)