Usually you will save a protocol of your trip when you are out with your GPS and also store some “hot spots” as waypoints. The protocol of your path is called Tracklog and it represents are normal track with all points where you have been. The trackpoints are not named but onlx numbered in a consecutive order. In most cases they will include information about actual altitude, speed and course and they will contain a time stamp. However, please note that this is not always the case: Some GPS units distinguish between Active Logs and Saved Logs and when copying an active log to a saved log in the GPS unit some information might be lost like time stamp, speed or course in order to save storage capacity. GPS-units for sport activities may also record data on heart rate or cadence.
In any case, these tracklogs can lateron be downloaded and stored in QV for visualisation or analysis.
To download a tracklog from your GPS please proceed as follows:
a) You click on the Receive from GPS icon in the X-Plorer.
b) You select New > Receive from GPS
In both cases, the GPS Download assistent will open and guide you through the required steps and settings:
After the download is completed, the corresponding tracktable will look similar to this example:
Thereafter you can visualize the tack on any installed map, analize it (see chapter Track analysis), export it to a file or upload it to another GPS unit.