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Track processor

The Track Processor is a powerful tool for post-processing of tracks. Many options for track modifications are available, including a simultaneous transformation of multiple tracks:

These are the function-groups which are available, see below for a details explanation of all options:

  • Editing of Tracks:
  • Partially deleting of Trackpoints:
  • Recalculation of Tracks:

The processing can be divided into a few steps:

  • First of all, you have to specify one or more tracks in the QV X-Plorer which you want to process. Then click the Track Processor  image684820884.jpg icon.
  • Select the desired function from the list on the left in the Track Processor window (see above). Depending on the selected function, you can define the relevant parameters to the right of the window.
  • Click Start to trigger the data processing.
    By clicking Map Preview you can control the effect of the processing in the map window.
    If you are not satisfied with the result, change the parameters and repeat the processing with the Start button.
  • You can add more trackprocessing to the processed tracks by clicking on < which will copy the results into the input-list for furthr processing.
  • If the result satisfying, save the track editing with the Save button either as a New Track or by overwriting the existing track(s).
    If you choose  Save as new Track, you can specify a new track name just by doubleclick on the trackname in the resultlist..

Editing of tracks

Invert Reverses the track in order to change its direction.
Join Tracks After selecting several tracks you can merge them to a single track. You have two options for defining the order: A) Order according to the date/time stamp of the trackpoints B) Order according to the sequence of the track in the input-lsit which can be reordered by drag & drop.
Split Splits a track into several segments. Enter the no. of points per track and the no. of overlapping trackpoints.
Close Gaps Resets the FP variable of all trackpoints to 0, resulting in a single trackline with all points connected (no breaks).
Cut to segments at break lines This is a powerful function which allows for cutting extended tracks into separate ones. This is very useful if you want to compare several turns of a race or your jogging activities. In order to compare these turns with the XY diagram, QV will need each round as a separate track which must start and end at the same position. You can achieve this using the track processor and cut the original track at a start or an end line. First of all, you have to define a break line manually as a track in the map window. Below you find an example with many rounds where the intersecting trackline has been named “Arrival2”: image1597608032.jpg  fhbullets25.jpg Now you have to select the original track and the intersecting track line in the X-Plorer and start the Track Processor. Then choose the function Cut to segments at break lines from the Track Processor window. Now define the track which should act as break and click the Start button. Now the track named “5 Laps” will be cut at the intersecting track line defined as “Finish2”. The result of the track processing will be separate tracks with the individual turns and the intersections before and after the first and last crossing of “Finish2”. If desired these remaining segments can automatically be deleted by tick-marking Delete segments beyond the break line.

Partially deleting of trackpoints

Smooth Track automatically
This function is identical to the QV3 function Reduce Trackpoints. You have for options for smoothing a track: Balancing, Length, Angle or point no.
Smooting If the distance between two neighbouring trackpoints is below the defined threshold, one will be deleted. Length, Angle These parameters are linked and will be analyzed simultaneously. If the distance between two points is below the defined Length threshold  and the heading has changed less than the defined Angle threshold, one point will be deleted. In the example given above, on highways with view turns only trackpoints every 2 km will remain after processing while on small winding roads with many turns with a change in direction of more than 16° much more trackpoints will remain. Fine, medium, rough Selects one from three predefined profiles. However, you can also alter the settings and define the parameters according to your needs.
Delete Points In this menu you can delete trackpoints according to a specific interval (every X-th point) or delete individual points from no. X to no. Y.

Recalculate tracks

Length, duration,  renumber After editing of tracks, the total length and duration and also the numbering of the trackpoints can be recalculated using this function.
Altitude from DEMs Normally the Altitude column will contain the measured altitude values from the GPS receiver. In cases where altitude information is not available you can calculate altitude values from the DEM (digital elevation model). This requires that you have installed a suitable DEM in your QV system. By default, also existing altitude values will be overwritten. However, by disabling the Overwrite existing altitude values switch you can also use this function to fill trackpoints where altitude is missing just due to a bad satellite coverage. In this case only altitude values equal to “0” will be overwritten.
Edit Altitude Using this function, you can edit all altitude values of a given tracks. Two options are available: Multiply - All values will be multiply with the defined coefficient Add (Scale shift) - a constant factor will be added or subtracted.
Course from coordinates With tracks recorded through the GPS Online mode, the Course column will contain the heading values as measured by the GPS receiver. Tracks from other origin may contain “0” in the Course column. Using this function the course will be calculated from the consecutive trackpoints and be stored in the Course column.
Speed With tracks recorded through the GPS Online mode, the Speed column will contain the speed values as measured by the GPS receiver. Tracks from other origin may contain “0” in the Speed column. Using this function speed will be calculated from the consecutive trackpoint distances and the time interval and be stored in the Speed column.
Times from start and speed Using this option you can assign a new time scale to the trackpoints. For this purpose you can enter a starting date and time and the time for all consecutive trackpoints will be recalculated accordingly. fhbullets26.jpg There are three options for recalculating the trackpoint times: Set new starting time: In this case the time scale will only be shifted according to the new starting point. Time differences between points will not be changed. Constant Speed: A constant speed is assumed and the trackpoint times will be recalculated from the starting point and the cumulative time needed to cover the distances from point to point with the defined speed. From distance and speed: Speeds between trackpoints are calculated from distance and time  intervals and trackpoint times will be recalculated from the starting time and the cumulative time needed to cover the distances from point to point with the calculated speeds.

en/75_tracks/b_processor.txt · Last modified: 2013/07/11 22:43 (external edit)