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Through the internet, other GPS programs, and other sources there are many oppertunities to acquire geodata which you want to import to QV.

The download of GPS receivers is another option which is covered in the GPS chapter.

QV can handle various import formats. These include: GPX, Compe, Garmin-TCX, KML/KMZ, TomTom, LOC, CSV and GeoJPG.

However, the GPX format has established as the universal format for an exchange of geodata. This format can also pack various geodata categories (waypoint, routes, tracks, geocaches) into one file.

Basically, you can perform such an import in three different ways:

  • By clicking on the import image1296371658.jpg icon in the X-Plorer
  • Through the main menu bar by selecting New > Import
  • just drag&drop a file into the desired destination table in the xplorer

In any cases the Data Import Assitant will open. Please proceed as follows

File selection

In the first window of the assitant you have to specify the file format and the file. You can choose among eight different formats. You can also leave the fault Automatic under File type and QV will identify most file formats automatically. By clicking  Continue you skip to the next window of the import assistent.


There you can specify which data categories should be impoted. You can select several at a time. Click Continue to proceed.

Destination table

In the third assitant window you can define where the imported data should be stored in the QV X-Plorer. You can leave the default (in this case QV-Data\My Data\Tracks) or choose to store the data in the actually marked X-Plorer table. You alos have the option to choose a database and a table manually. In case you import several data categories (waypoints, routes, tracks, etc.) at a time, the only available option is New Database. In this case the default name is New Database_YYYY-MM-DD vor, where YYYY represents the actual year, MM the month and DD the day. Click Continue to skip to the next window of the import assitant. There you can activate additional options to be performed after the import has finished. You can choose if you want the imported data to be listed in the X-Plorer and/or if they should directly be visualized in a map. Finally you start the Import by clicking Finish.


The data import will start and the process is visualized through a progress bar. When the data import is finished, all relevant data are summarized in the last window of the import assistant.

Import CSV

When you have selected CSV-data for the import, you have to make some other settings. For this procedure the following dialoque opens:

All changes at the settings will be shown in the preview. The goal is to put the relevant data into two separate columns, which can be assigned to the databank fields during the import.

Loading… Loads saved qifx-file with all settings
Saving… Saves all settings in a qifx-file, which can be loaded later, when this file or a similar file should be imported again
Description With this function you can enter a description for this qifx-file
Character set Select a character set, in which the file to be imported has been created. Especially for german special characters or easteuropean names often a adaption is necessary, when you see in the preview “strange” characters or many ?.
Field separator The data fields in a csv-file are always separated by a special symbol, mostly a comma, semikolon or tab. Here you have to choose the right symbol. When the coloumns in the preview makes sense, the symbol is the right one. Beside the symbols in the dropdown-list you can enter every symbol you like into the enter-field.
Text separator Often names are “” included in a CSV-file, which you do not like to import. The here chosen symbol will be filtered by QV during the import. Also here you can enter an own symbol, when the preferred one is not in the list.
Whole line in information field Copies during the import process the complete original line into the information field of the appropriate WPs or TRPs.
Import from line x With this function you can skip headlines of the file

Classification of columns to database fiels:

This is a very important part of the action. After you have replaced the columns with the right field separator, please click on the column header of a column and select an appropriate database field.

You can select some fields several times, for example all columns, which you have linked to Info, have to be written into the information-field. You can also link Name several times, then the WP-name will be created by these columns. Please classify fields, which are not necessary, with None.

Classification of coordinates

Coordinates can be described by many different ways, QV offers you some options:

Latitude This coloumn contains the latitude-value in degree.
Longitude This coloumn contains the longitude-value in degree.

If the values are not available in the degree-decimal, for example 46.5, but for example in degree minutes 46°30', then you must indicate coordinates-others….

Lat-NS With this you can characterize a coloumn, which contains only the hemissphere, that means N or S
Lon-EW With this you can characterize a coloumn, die nur die Hemissphere enthält, that means E oder W

This is necessary, when the degree and the hemissphere are in separated coloumns.

Northing_meter If the coordinates are available in UTM, Gauss-Krüger or in another meters-grid, then select this for the height-value.
Eating_meter If the coordinates are available in UTM, Gauss-Krüger or in another meters-grid, then select this for the right-value.
UTM zone If the coordinates are available in UTM, this is the UTM-zone.

In every case you have to indicate the appropriate coordinate system for UTM or meters grid under coordinates-others….

With test you can check previously, if the settings are correct and QV can extract meaningful data. The first five lines will be read from the file and changed according to your settimg in WPs or track points. The result will be displayed, with name and with in wgs84 transformed coordinate:

In this case everything seems to be ok, the WP-name and the correct longitude and latitude are recognized.

In this case no correct longitude and latitude can be recognized:

You should proove the column assignment and also the coordinate-units.

If everything is OK, you can save the settings for the next time with Save and start the import with OK.

en/95_imexport/c_import.txt · Last modified: 2012/05/29 13:30 (external edit)