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Show in map

To visualize geodata just mark them with a left mouse click in the corresponding table listing (to mark multiple geodata use Ctrl + mouse-click) and then click the Show in map icon image1657651119.jpg.

The show in map assistant will open (see below):

The following options helps you to find the right one from all of your cards:

In which map?
In the active map this option is available, if one or more map windows are open, which are then in the list.
choosing the map With this option QV search in your data base considering the automap-setting and lists all matches
In a new map window When this option is chosen, the selected map is opened in a new window, otherwise the map replaces the map in the actual window
Adjust map selection to loaded marks
Unchanged The map selection is not changed.
First point The map selection is zoomed to the first point of your selection
Zooming all of the grafic The map selection is zoomed to show the whole selection.

The AutoMAP-setting determines, in which map-tables it should be searched for suitable tables. Depending on how your database is organised, you can control, which maps you like to be offered.

AutoMap off No search in the database.
Only actual map table Only these maps are offered, which are in the same map table, like the actual opened map.
Only tables of the actual database Only these maps are offered, which are saved in the same database as the actual map or as the data, which you like to be displayed.
All marked map tables In the database menue you can mark map tables for this option

In all databeses are searched for those tables, which are marked there as Including
All map tables It is searched in all map tables of all databases, that means in the whole database.
Actual list Only those maps are offered, which are saved in the same directory or in an subdirectory as the actual map or the data, which you let be displayed.
Only available maps n this case all maps, which are available actually, are used. Maps, which were imported in QV, but are not available actually, are not be used (for example maps, which are in external drives or in the network, if these networks or the LAN is actually not available).
Using online mapsWhen online maps, that means maps, which are loaded by the internet, for example google maps or OpenStreetMaps are included the search. If these online maps have a world wide coverage, they will be listed at every search.

The founded maps are listed in the table with its scale, name and file location. You can also sort the list by a click on the column header.

Therefore select a map and click on Completing or double click on a map to open it.

On the second page of the assistant you will have a selection of more options:

If you open the map in a new map window, you can determine the mode, 2D or 3D and you can choose, if the map window should be activated now or if it should stay in the background, because you would for example like to load more data from the Xplorer.

Tip: To improve the performance of large databases, you can save your databases thematically suitable in different directories and then work with AutoMap-Setting actual directory.
Why? QV opens databases only after they are needed. This is the case, when you search a map, which shows a special point. With the AutoMap-Setting actual directory only the databases actual directoryare opened, with every other setting all databases are opened and scanned.

An example of Google® Satellite Online-map with different drawed geo data you will find below:


en/40_marks/d_show.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/30 00:33 (external edit)