The map window shows the current map in 2D 0r 3D. The map window has three main functions:
i) Creating of all kinds of geodata like waypoints, routes, tracks, geochaches and drawings.
ii) Plotting of existing GPS data in user-defined colors, line styles and fonts.
iii) Orientation / navigation in the GPS-Online mode to show your actual position together with your tracklog, and - in case of the routable NAVTEQ navi maps - also navigation commands.
The basic principle is simple:
After a map has been calibrated, QV can calculate the geographic coordinates for any location of the mouse pointer. Each movement of the mouse is immediately converted into coordinates which are indicated in the map status field at the buttom of the map window.
And vice versa, each point whose geographic coordinates are known can be plotted in the correct place on the map. Simply click on the Search point by coordinates icon, enter the coordinates, specify the adequate coordinate system and map datum and click the search in map / show button. The map will immediately be scrolled to this position (as long as the map covers this position). In case the map does not cover the geographic area, QV will scan all maps and will list all maps which i) cover this position and ii) fulfill the selected AutoMAP criteria.
Left clicking on the map puts the so-called map cursor in the place of the mouse pointer which is indicated by a purple circle . The coordinates of the map cursor are also shown in own field in the status field.
Another field shows the corresponding distance and direction from the map cursor to the mouse pointer which will be continuously updated with every mouse movement.
This may not sound very exciting but it is the basis for all subsequent actions in the map window.
As waypoints, routes, tracks or drawings will be saved with their coordinates, they can be plotted on any suitable map. And vice versa, by simple mouse clicks new waypoints or tracks can be created.
The same is true for maps: As they are stored with their corresponding coordinates, QV can automatically search suitable maps for any point, track or route or other types of geodata.
Following an example of a map window showing a 3D map representation:
At the buttom of the map window, you will find the map status field which summarizes important information:
Central column
Right column:
Name of the used DEM (digital elevation model) and the acutual map datum
Remark: Please note that all coordinates are specified in the units according to the unit settings.
If you have enabled the display of the North arrow in the View menu, you will find a compass rose plotted in the upper left corner of the map window. In this case you will also find all details on the camera characteristics like position, altitude, speed, course, pitch and roll.
Wenn Sie die Tooltip-Infos einschalten erhalten Sie Kurz-Infos in Form einer kleinen, gelben Tooltip-Box, wenn Sie die Maus über ein Objekt bewegen. Wenn Sie jetzt das Objekt anklicken, öffnet sich eine gelbe Info-Box mit weiteren Infos:
Im Editieren-Modus können Sie dort auch Änderungen vornehmen, welche automatisch gespeichert werden, sobald Sie die Box wieder verlassen. Mit dem Button “X” können Sie in den Xplorer wechseln und haben dort Zugriff auf alle Eigenschaften des Objektes. Die Info-Box schließt sich automatisch, sobald sie den Focus verliert.
After a map has been imported to QV and is listed in one of the X-Plorer databases, you have several options to open a map:
The open map assistent looks as follows:
In this window you can specify how the map should be visualized. You have the follwoing options:
World mode:
Initial view:
If you have more than one map window opened, you will also have the choice of one of the following options:
Open in which window:
Important Remark:
Here two examples on how the Top25 Germany topomap will look in a 2D and 3D mode (2D upper, 3D lower):
Top25 Germany - 2D view
Top25 Germany - 3D view (please note that due to the limited resolution of the DEM with a 90 raster the slopes along the eastern shoreline are not perfectly modelled):
In order to adjust the 3D characteristics of the 3D map window, you can use one of the following keys / key combinations and/or the mouse. Additionally the corresponding functions for the 2D window are listed:
When plotting a map in the 3D mode, you have a couple of additional options which can be accessed by clicking the 3D elevation options icon.
Thereafter the 3D elevation options window with 5 tabs will open:
On the Color gradient tab, none is the default option which will show the map in its original style. Optionally you can color-code the map according to ground surface elevation (Altitude option). In this case you can specify different threshold values for the water and ice levels. In this context the water level represents the lower elevation limit which is color-coded in blue and the ice level the upper elevation threshold which is color-coded in red.
With the slope option you can color-code the map according to the slope of the terrain. In this case you have to define a threshold level for the steepest slope class.
For both colorcoding options you have to define the Transparency for the color-coded bands in % in order to adapt the visability of the original map to your personal preferences.
Below you find an example for colorcoding according to altitude (left/upper) and slope (right/lower):
Alternatively, you can activate the Isohypsen switch in order to activate a shading according to elevation bands as an overlay to the map plot.
Below an example without (left/upper) and with enabled altitude isolines (right/lower; 50 m intervals):
On the Lightning tab you adjust the brightness of the map plot and specify the position of the sun (Light position) which will define how the shading affects the map style.
Additionally you can modify the Light Color of the light source for special effects.
An example how the position of the sun affects the shading is shown below for a sun azimuth 45° east (left/upper) and 45° west (right/lower; in both cases sun elevation North/South was set at -5°):
On the Surface relief tab you can adapt the 3D modelling to your requirements. Using the Mesh Resolution slider, you can adjust the resolution of the irregular triangular network which builds the terrain surface. By increasing the Mesh Resolution factor, the ground surface will be modelled with a higher resolution but this will result in a slower modelling by imposing additional load on your CPU. So, if you are using a PC with limited performance, it is wise to decrease the Mesh Resolution factor to some extent.
Below two examples for a high (left/upper) and a low mesh resolution (right/lower):
Using the Vertical scaling slider, you adjust the scale of the vertical axis to your personal preferences. Please note that this is a dimensionless slider where a value of “1” does not necessarily reflect a “natural” view as the 3D characteristics are strongly influenced by the camera persepctive. Following two examples with a pronounced relief energy (left/upper) and a more flat map representation (right/lower):
Finally, on the Background tab you can specify the style of the map background, respectively the sky above/behind the map representation. You can choose betweeen None, Solid color, Simple clouds, animated Clouds and a user defined bitmap (Picture). Following an example with solid orange sky (left/upper) and “simple” clouds (right/lower):
Auf der Seite Überflutung können Sie Überflutungsgebiete im Gelände veranschaulichen. Hierzu wird auf einer frei einstellbaren Höhe eine Fläche in die Karte eingeblendet, die anzeigt, welche Teile des Geländes bei diesem Wasserstand überflutet sein werden. Farbe und Transparenz dieser Wasser-Fläche sind unter Farbe einstellbar. Benutzen Sie die kleinen Pfeilchen in der Eingabebox Wasserlevel, um den Wasserstand in Meter-Schritten zu verändern. Die Kartenansicht wird hierbei in Echtzeit aktualisiert.
The map plot can be shifted within the map window in various ways:
The map display can also be zoomed in various ways:
Click on the Center zoom on cursor to skip back to the cursor point from any map position.
Using one of the lens icons /
(describtion see above), you can zoom the map to any scale or map extent. You can also select from a pop-up menu with zoom factors at the status bar below the map window or enter a specific zoom factor.
Important Remark:
When zooming, QV will always center according to the position of the mouse pointer! This is different when compared with older QV versions where the map was centetered by default according to the map cursor position.